COVID-19 & other sicknesses

 Additional Policies & Procedures 

Since it is not possible to socially distance in our small teaching spaces, the following additional policies and safety procedures will remain in place until further notice for the safety of staff and students. Updated June 2023

Covid-19 Additional Policies

Although it is unlikely that we will return to a lockdown that requires online lessons for the entire studio, I will mention that no refunds will be offered if any lessons need to be taught online. As per our standard policy, no refunds will be offered if students cease lessons mid-term. See here for more information about terminating lessons during the school year: 

You may only attend your lesson in-person if you and your household:

-  feel well and have NO cold/flu/gastro/covid-19 symptoms

- have not tested positive for covid in the 7 days prior to your lesson (counting postive test as day zero)

-  are allowed to attend work/school 

Otherwise, you must request an online lesson. Please contact Amber via text message if you require an online lesson.  

If you attend a lesson in person displaying any signs of illness you will be sent home or back to class and your lesson will be forfeited. If you are feel unsure about whether you should attend your lesson in person, please get in touch to discuss.
If you or anyone in your household tests positive for covid, please notify us and follow ACT health recommendations before returning to your lesson

If a staff member has any cold/flu/gastro/covid-19 symptoms or has had a positive covid test, then your lesson will be taught online until they are able to safely resume in person lessons.

Safety Procedures for In-Person Lessons 

- Students and teachers are to maintain appropriate social distancing during the lesson. 

- Please remain 1.5 meters away from other students and parents when entering and leaving your lesson
- No sharing of items such as pencils.
- Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds before each lesson. No sharing of hand towels. 

- At schools, please use the provided hand sanitiser before your lesson OR the music room area bathrooms to wash hands. 

- At the Chapman Studio, please use the outdoor handwashing station before your lesson. If possible, please use the toilet at home before your lesson to minimise the need for cleaning between students. However, the bathroom is available for those who require it during lessons.
- Repeat hand washing or apply hand sanitiser as needed during your lesson (i.e after touching your face, sneezing etc).
- DO NOT attend the studio if YOU or ANYONE in your household has any cold/flu/gastro/covid-19 symptoms. Your lesson will be taught online. 

- Parents are once again welcome to attend lessons, if you wish to.

- Masks no longer required but you please do continue wearing one if you wish. 

Thank you for following these procedures and helping keep each other safe.